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Ep. 38: Diane Flynn Helps Women Reboot Their Careers

"Just being at dinner parties and talking to friends like me, who were looking at empty nests, I heard over and over again that people wanted to return to work but they didn't know where to get started and they really lacked confidence."

Diane Flynn, Executive Vice President of Reboot Accelerator, co-founded Reboot to help women get current, confident, and connected to return to work. Having rebooted her own career after taking time out of the paid workforce for motherhood, Diane encourages women to recognize the skill sets they have built doing unpaid work that are transferrable to the paid workforce. Listen for her story and for fantastic advice for all women on being successful at work.

"What we really help these women understand is that they have amazing skill sets, even if they haven't worked in 20 years. A lot of them have been running auctions at schools or running events or chairing the parent association or working at a non-profit or even just juggling their kid's schedules. They have excellent communication skills, excellent time management skills, project management skills, and we encourage them to think about their skillset. Whether they were paid for it or not, it's still a skill set that's valuable to a future employer."

We discuss her story of rebooting, the skills she struggled with upon returning to work, the importance of the thirty-second pitch, the importance of networking in landing these jobs, supporting other women, the skills you may have developed outside of the workplace without even realizing it, why employers want to hire women returning to the workforce, how she helps women overcome a lack of confidence, her proudest career moments helping women land their dream jobs, the advice she gives to women in her program on finding their joy, figuring out what fills your tank and what drains it and moving towards that both personally and professionally, a rise in flexibility for the workforce, and what's on the horizon for Reboot!

"Most people, especially women, want to help other women. I'm blown away by how many women in the last year and a half since I've been doing this genuinely want to pay it forward and help other women."

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